Overcome your writer's block in an affordable way. Get started with our free trial and upgrade when needed.
No, all the content that is generated by the AI is unique. There might be unique cases where content seems plagiarized but that is pure coincidence. To simplify how the AI works, each time it needs to come up with a word in a sentence it makes a guess what word would be the best fit. This way your content is always unique.
With 20,000 words you can generate up to 500 blog ideas, 300 ads, 250 product descriptions, 40 seo articles and 20 long form articles. Need more words? Get the unlimited plan! It's a fraction of the cost of a copywriter.
We currently support 24+ languages.
The trial is a completely free 7-day period in which you can try ContentForge and all of its features. In this trial, you can generate up to 1,000 words using the AI in all supported languages. No credit card needed, no strings attached.
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